Kendal Bledsoe


Ever since I received my first rabbit as a gift nearly 20 years ago, I’ve been captivated by the world of the ARBA and everything related to the rabbit industry. From my days as a youth member right up to the present, I’ve actively participated in various Local, State, and National clubs, dedicated to promoting the joys of our fantastic hobby. Since becoming a judge in 2014, I’ve had incredible opportunities to travel and connect with fellow rabbit enthusiasts worldwide, proudly representing our remarkable organization.

Now, as a recent transplant from the West Coast, I’m thrilled to once again contribute to promoting our beloved hobby in a new region! I’m honored to be working alongside the passionate members of The Chaos Goblins club, especially because the Southeast is long overdue for hosting an ARBA Convention. As the Co-Chairman for the 2026 bid, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your support as we embark on the journey to bring the 103rd ARBA Convention to the beautiful Palmetto State!