Melanie Evans

Open Show Secretary

Convention in Greenville, SC …. Yes please! It is an honor to serve as the General Secretary for the 2026 Convention bid. Allow me to introduce myself, for those that may not know me.

First off, as a very detail oriented individual, I love organized chaos! In my “other” life I work in the Healthcare field. I get to coordinate schedules and manage patients, providers, and multiple clinics daily schedules and operations.

My rabbit hobby began when I started showing with my dad at 12 years old. Although I took a break from the hobby, I returned when my daughters wanted to show with their grandfather. I ensured that we joined a local club and as a family, assisted with multiple tasks when the club hosted a show.

Eventually, I began as a secretary of specialty shows and was fortunate enough to train with some stellar show secretaries. As I learned to secretary, I figured out that it’s my niche. I absolutely love it! I’m big on being kind, fair and making sure that deadlines are met and rules are followed. I’ve been the main Secretary for one of the largest shows in the south for three years and frequently secretary for most Georgia shows as well as many other shows in the south.

I am currently serving as the Vice President of the Northwest Georgia Cavy and Rabbit Club, as a board member for the West Georgia Rabbit Club, and Georgia State Cavy and Rabbit Club Youth Team Coordinator.  I am thrilled to work with Rachel Singletary, Fayth Young, and Rusty Westhoff and many other ARBA members and show runners as we prepare our bid. We will work hard, and host an amazing convention.