Bring Convention to Greenville!

Why Bid?

The ARBA Convention is the one event each year where breeders from all over the world come together to spend time with our rabbit & cavy family. Convention is universally for all exhibitors, their families, and the occasional interested bystander who saw it listed locally and asked the question, “what the heck is a rabbit show?” Regardless of your reason for attending, Convention is for everyone and that is why it moves around the country every year. Although we have a wide range of exhibitors in the southeast with an extremely supportive community, we have unfortunately been missing a convention down our direction since the Tampa Convention back in 1990. We want to bring Convention back this direction before it hopefully moves to an entirely new area. Convention has never been hosted in South Carolina and with a 100 year history of the event, I think we should all aspire to see this fantastic event grace every area the ARBA governs over the next 100s of history. With this goal in mind, The Chaos Goblins plan to bid for Convention on a rotation of about every 4-5 years and assuming venues allow, we want to place those bids in areas that would be new to the ARBA Convention.

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The Goal

The Chaos Goblins number one goal is to encourage and grow our hobby. We don’t intend to do that by running a range of shows every year; instead, we plan to provide support to new and existing clubs all throughout the southeast! How we plan to do that requires funding that we intend to raise by running Convention. We want to provide grants to help these clubs grow and thrive in an ever changing market. We also plan to provide grants to youth teams from our area to support their attendance at convention, as well as provide starting information and support to brand new youth rabbit clubs in 4-H and FFA so they can acquire things like copies of the SOP, a list of all upcoming shows in planning, local resources for how to find reputable breeders, etc. Ultimately, our goals for The Chaos Goblins is to be a solid resource for our local community and beyond.

Why Chaos?

We all know that moment when we have multiple breeds at the show and they’re all called up to 3 different tables simultaneously. Some people thrive on that adrenaline and flit about between tables putting not only their rabbits, but their friend’s rabbits and that other exhibitor who’s busy at another table’s rabbits. It’s chaos, but some how we still get the bunnies on the table. At the end of the day, everything’s fine and we’re socializing with friends. But in that moment, your inner ‘chaos goblin’ has come out and taken charge to manage the mischief. We are those people; the ones to take the chaos and manage it.

Private: The Store

The official store for all The Chaos approved merch! Check it out and show your support for our 2026 ARBA Convention Bid.